Konner Krystine

How to Pack a Carry-On for 7 Days

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Last week I traveled to Tennessee, Kentucky and Texas with my family and was gone for a week. A trip like this would usually include a 50-lb checked bag, my carry-on and my purse. But, with 7 of us going and sharing 1 rental van, we each needed to pack light!

The amount of things I usually pack for a weekend trip, let alone a week-long vacation, is almost comical.  I have a bag solely dedicated to shoes, several workout outfits that I never even consider using when on vacation, and a lot of full-sized toiletries. This trip, I had to change!

I truly thought this would be harder seeing as how I always overpack.  After following each of the below tips it was almost a breeze!  Here are my tips for packing just a carry on for a week-long trip!

Invest in a Carry-On Suitcase

I never invested in a good carry-on suitcase because I always checked a large, 50-lb suitcase! I would just use a backpack as my carry-on because all it would have in it was my airplane snacks and a magazine. Once I decided I was going to pack only a carry-on for this trip I knew I needed to purchase a quality carry-on that was close to the maximum size that most airlines allow so I could pack as much as possible.

Ok – why is luggage so expensive?! I’m literally buying an item to put all of my other items in…LOL. So of course I headed to Amazon to find a moderately-priced carry-on with good reviews. The Best Seller was the Amazon Basics suitcase, and I couldn’t be more happy with my purchase! I love that the wheels can roll either way, that it has a hard shell, and it has a divider with pockets on the inside. And you can’t beat the price!

Write Down your Packing List

When I started to write down my packing list I started to question every item. Do I really need to bring magazines? I never end up reading them. Do I need 3 pairs of shorts or will 2 be ok? Workout clothes? LOL

Writing everything down and then combing through that list helped me narrow down what I originally thought were all necessary items. If I have a really long trip planned I start to weigh the costs and benefits of washing my clothes halfway through the trip instead of packing a lot.

Rolling Clothing and Packing Cubes are Essential

Just like with the carry-on, I never really looked into packing cubes because I would just throw – and sometimes fold – my belongings in a large suitcase. But this time had to be different!

Of course I went to Amazon again in search for some packing cubes…whoa, I didn’t realize how many different brands, colors and sizes there were to choose from! After about an hour of looking – yes, I know…I’m indecisive! – I purchased these packing cubes. I ended up choosing these because I liked the sizes that were included, as well as the other little bags that were a part of the set! I’m using one of the small ones to hold my small items in my personal item bag – I’ll get to that soon!

Share Items with People You’re Traveling with

If you are traveling with a friend or family member, discuss whether you can share some items like toiletries so you’re not bringing doubles.  My mom is going with me on my next trip and there is no way she will just pack a carry-on! She is planning on bringing full-sized items like shampoo, toothpaste, sunscreen and a curling iron to share. That really helps me manage the space in my carry-on by utilizing the space for other items I want to bring!

Buy Travel-Sized Toiletries and a TSA-Approved Pouch

Have you ever compared the price of a full-sized dry shampoo or hairspray to a travel size? The travel size is usually a total ripoff! But, when I started to figure out how I was going to pack for a 7-day trip in just a carry-on, my toiletries were one of the first things I knew I needed to downsize.

Although the travel-sized products are usually more expensive per ounce, they will save you a lot of space in your carry-on! Plus, if you’re traveling with just a carry-on all of your liquids must be under 3 ounces and fit in a 1-gallon plastic bag.  I purchased this TSA-approved pouch that is perfect for air travel.

The way I see it now, is that I am able to save $100 per trip ($50 each way) if I don’t check in my bag. And for items like shampoo and liquid body wash, I can refill the travel-sized containers at home for my next trip!

Try on Your Outfits Before you Pack Them

This may seem like an obvious tip but I know I have totally skipped over this one! When you’re checking a piece of 50-lb luggage you have the option to throw items in that will be a “maybe” when you ask yourself if you use it. You don’t really have that luxury when you’re packing just a carry-on!

I am known to pack shirts “just in case” even though I have never opted to wear it the last several months. Plan your complete outfits out and try them on! Can you find two pairs of shoes that could work for the entire trip, instead of bringing that third pair for one particular outfit? Can you bring closet staples instead of a bright-colored pair of pants that could only work with one shirt you brought? Make it work!

Make Use of Your Personal Item

A “personal item” makes it sound like it should only be a pillow or a purse but the actual dimensions of the item can be a lot more than that! Every time I have been on a plane, it seems like they only care that your personal item can fit below the seat in front of you.

I use a backpack for my personal item because I fill it with things I want to use on the plane. I don’t like to open my carry-on item during the plane ride because it feels like more of a hassle than its worth. And, since my carry-on is a hard shell with no outer pockets, I make sure to put any items that I have to remove from my bag in the TSA line into my personal item. My backpack is always filled with my toiletries, laptop, phone and laptop chargers, book, glasses, and a few other things!

Wear Your Bulkiest Items onto the Plane

An essential part to me being able to travel with just a carry-on was wearing my heaviest items on the plane. For me this usually means a thick cardigan or jacket, and a pair of tennis shoes. The planes are usually cold, but if you get hot you can always carry your jacket on the plane. That option is better than not bringing a jacket because it can’t ft in your suitcase!  Small considerations like this really add up and will allow you to pack a carry on efficiently.

Be honest with yourself; No “Just in case” Reasoning!

I have always been one to pack for those “just in case” reasons.

“I am going to pack this dress just in case we go to a nice restaurant”. “The weather looks warm but I am going to bring this second jacket just in case it is cold on the day I wear my purple shirt because it matches better than the other jacket I’m bringing”. My biggest lie is packing workout clothes when I know I almost never workout on vacation!

On my most recent trip I really wanted to being a pair of suede booties because they matched with several of my outfits and are very stylish! I then thought about how much walking we were planning to do everyday. And, how most days of our trip were showing a chance of rain, which would ruin the suede. I am happy I opted to not bring them because they would have taken up a lot of room in my carry-on and I didn’t miss them at all while on the trip!

I never thought I’d say this but packing just a carry-on is a little bit fun…it’s like a puzzle! Following these simple tips helped me easily pack a carry on bag for a week. It was so nice to not have to lug my 50-lb suitcase on my trip or even have to wait for a suitcase at baggage claim. There is something freeing about packing just the essentials, and I hope you feel that way too!